Saturday, May 29, 2010

Regenerating health, 1 mode per map, etc

Woah, that was a great episode of the Zipline Podcast last night. If you haven't listened to it (episode 6) you can check it out here.

I was incredibly impressed with CJ Heine who was interviewed on the podcast this week. He's been at Zipper since the development of SOCOM 1 and you can tell that he is really a true classic SOCOM fan. It's great to know and very encouraging that people like that still exist at Zipper. Here's a short best/worst from the podcast:

CJ Heine seems to hint that maps in SOCOM 4 are designed around a single mode, which I hope to god is true. This is one of the major aspects that make a SOCOM game feel unique and addictive.

Regenerating health will be in single player and it sounds like it might be in multiplayer as well (but it wasn't confirmed). The majority of people on the forums are up in arms about this but I'm staying opened-minded. I personally don't think it's a deal-breaker and its something that people should have already braced themselves for.

Listen to the podcast for yourself and lmk what you think.

Also, I'll be a guest on the SOCAST tonight, discussing all of this information and more. So check back for that later.

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