Friday, October 8, 2010

SOCOM 4 will be 3D-enabled

Thanks to a quick eye by Dirty_Walter it looks like SOCOM 4 will indeed be 3D-ready when it releases next year. This was also confirmed by a post in the thread later on, by Zipper's Community Manager Chris Roper.

Well then...

As I said I've said before and as Tombstone mentioned, the game was not delayed to add 3D in any way, shape or form. Did the extra time allow for it? Well, you've seen the video.

Err, I mean, no comment. Or something.
Chris Roper
Community Specialist, Zipper Interactive

Now the question is, what percentage of the SOCOM audience is actually going to have a 3D TV to take advantage of this. I did play Motorstorm in 3D at the Playstation Canada event a few days ago and I have to say that it was incredibly impressive. But the cost of the television and the fact that it requires glasses, turns me off.

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