Some insight into my introduction to SOCOM. SOCOM 1 was actually my younger brother's game that he asked for, for Christmas that year. I've always followed videogames and the industry very closely, and I was never interested in SOCOM, honestly, because of it's 7.5 review on IGN. At that time I was 17 and took what an IGN review said to be gospel, and idiot me thought that 7.5 was too low, so I wasn't interested. Which is weird to think of now because both Dunham and Roper who worked at IGN (but not at that time I don't believe) are working on SOCOM 4 now.
But anyways, when he got it I decided to give it a try. I remember it was NIght Stalker and I had absolutely no idea where I was going, but I was still having a blast. My name was either D3 or 3D, because of my initials, and a couple days later I was playing FrostFire in a DH (Deadly Hitman) tryout room. Had a lucky few rounds and they asked me to join the clan and change my name to CrazyLegs, because everyone on the clan needed a G.I. Joe name. And that's why my name is David2Crazy on PSN, keeping the 'Crazy' part of my name of which I was known for on SOCOM.
I guess the rest is history. The day SOCOM 2 came out was an awesome day for me. I was in college and was lucky enough to not have any classes that day. Rode my bike down to EB Games in freezing cold November weather, and picked up the game. First map I played was Foxhunt, and I was in awe at how big the map felt compared to what I was used to in SOCOM 1.
SOCOM, at least the first two games, is an enormous part of my gaming life and my real introduction to online gaming that kept me addicted. I had played some online PC games before but nothing really kept me playing till SOCOM came along.
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