Monday, June 28, 2010

SOCAST Episode 6

Hey everyone,

I'm back as a guest on the SOCAST this week. We discuss Seth Luisi's appearance on the Zipline, some hot topics off the boards, and make an announcement concerning and it's community. Check it out below.

In Episode 6, the Socast Crew is back this week with special guest "BULLBOYKENNELS"

In this episode we discuss.....

Zipline Episode 9
Seth Luisi's Epic Appearance & Interview
Hot Topics in the Forums
"60 Second Spotlight" Featuring "BULLBOYKENNELS"
Official Launch of the Message Boards!

We were all amazed at Seth Luisi's performance, and felt he addressed numerous topics our community have been wanting to hear. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!


TIME: 36 minutes, 53 seconds

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One mode per map + specific day/night maps + co-op confirmed?

Check it out!

According to a GameStop listing:

GameStop Exclusive Abandoned Map - This popular “Suppression” map from SOCOM 1 and 2 makes a comeback in SOCOM 4. Abandoned takes place in the daytime around an ancient Thai village deep in the misty jungle. Fight your way over dense hillsides, through dark caves, and into the close-quarters mayhem of the archeological site. Classic SOCOM heritage meets evolved SOCOM 4 action.

Super M90 Shotgun - An extremely high quality, versatile and powerful weapon, the Super M90 is preferred tactical shotgun among the U.S. NAVY SEALs since 1999. This 12-gauge shotgun is equipped with slug ammunition for serious stopping power. It inflicts heavy damage in a focused area and features a greater effective range than standard shotguns. This weapon can be used exclusively for multiplayer co-op missions.

Damn! A lot of big news for one day. Heres hoping that this will be discussed on tomorrow's Zipline. If not, then you can bet that we'll discuss it on the Socast this weekend.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Giant Bomb interviews Chad Lowe, Producer on SOCOM 4

Check it out. No real new information, but Jeff Gerstmann is just excited to hear about multiplayer as we are!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SOCAST Episode 6 Promo Video (Seth Luisi Week)

I'll be on this week's SOCAST with the rest of the crew. R_E_V made a little promo video for it that you can check out here:

I'll post it on the blog when it goes up sometime this weekend, so watch for it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Real SOCOM Podcast - Episode 6

Hey everyone!

Me and Hellman are back again with a new episode of The Real SOCOM Podcast for the week of E3. In this episode we discuss our feelings on what we've seen on SOCOM 4 thus far, how the "Abandoned" pre-order bonus map is being handled, some hopes for online play, and end it with our overall thoughts on this year's E3 - specifically the three major press conferences.

Hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to comment here with any feedback, or you can also email me at I read and respond to every email so don't be afraid to tell me your thoughts.

MP3 Version
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iTunes Link

And follow us on Twitter!

SOCOM 4 nominated for three Best of E3 Awards by IGN

Check it out.

Nominated on IGN for Best PS3 Game, Best Motion-Control Game, and Best Shooter.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Abandoned (classic SOCOM map) is in SOCOM 4!

Straight from the SOCOM website itself. Pre-order SOCOM 4 at GameStop and get the Abandoned map.

Awesome news!

Monday, June 14, 2010

SOCOM 4 E3 Move demo video

This was just posted on IGN, check it out:

Overall I think it looked pretty good. Nothing particularly blew me away, but it looked like an enjoyable level none the less. Now we just have to see it with the Dual-Shock controller.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

SOCOM 4 will support 3DTV technology

Straight out of a USA Today article.

SOCOM 4 is due later this year, and Killzone 3 is expected next year, both being developed with 3-D features.

3D technology is way too early in it's infancy for me to care about it yet. When the prices come down and the technology improves, I will care.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New SOCOM 4 trailer and my thoughts

If you haven't already seen the new trailer, check it out here:

I like how the game looks but the overall feel of the trailer was just very "me too". I don't think it does anything to stand out from long list of shooters already on the market, but that's also an inherent problem with bringing a shooting game to market. Ultimately they all look very similar on the surface, and its really only when you get to play them that you know the differences.

I'm really just excited to see some hand-on reports and footage from E3 this coming week. Keep checking back here for my thoughts on that, and I'm sure I'll be in a couple podcasts next week where you'll be able to hear my feelings on all the SOCOM happenings at the event.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Socast Episode 4 &

Hey guys,

Once again this week I joined the guys on the Socast to discuss everything SOCOM. You can listen to it here. We also made an announcement this week, launching, a new hub for all your SOCOM 4 information.

I will still be posting here on a regular basis, and in the next couple weeks I plan to record another episode of TheRealSOCOM Podcast with my buddy Hellman, so keep checking back for all that stuff.

Sadly though I'll be out of town at the end of this week so I'm going to miss SOCOM 4's appearance on GameTrailers TV (which airs on SpikeTV), as well as the next episode of the Socast. But I'll be back for E3 week voicing my opinions on all the new SOCOM 4 information, you can bet that.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zipline Podcast Episode 7 - I'm the first audio question!

Hey everyone,

If you haven't checked out episode 7 of the Zipline Podcast you can listen to it here. I sent in an audio question which was played at about the 24:30 mark of the podcast, so go check it out!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some back story. How I got into SOCOM.

Some insight into my introduction to SOCOM. SOCOM 1 was actually my younger brother's game that he asked for, for Christmas that year. I've always followed videogames and the industry very closely, and I was never interested in SOCOM, honestly, because of it's 7.5 review on IGN. At that time I was 17 and took what an IGN review said to be gospel, and idiot me thought that 7.5 was too low, so I wasn't interested. Which is weird to think of now because both Dunham and Roper who worked at IGN (but not at that time I don't believe) are working on SOCOM 4 now.
But anyways, when he got it I decided to give it a try. I remember it was NIght Stalker and I had absolutely no idea where I was going, but I was still having a blast. My name was either D3 or 3D, because of my initials, and a couple days later I was playing FrostFire in a DH (Deadly Hitman) tryout room. Had a lucky few rounds and they asked me to join the clan and change my name to CrazyLegs, because everyone on the clan needed a G.I. Joe name. And that's why my name is David2Crazy on PSN, keeping the 'Crazy' part of my name of which I was known for on SOCOM.
I guess the rest is history. The day SOCOM 2 came out was an awesome day for me. I was in college and was lucky enough to not have any classes that day. Rode my bike down to EB Games in freezing cold November weather, and picked up the game. First map I played was Foxhunt, and I was in awe at how big the map felt compared to what I was used to in SOCOM 1.
SOCOM, at least the first two games, is an enormous part of my gaming life and my real introduction to online gaming that kept me addicted. I had played some online PC games before but nothing really kept me playing till SOCOM came along.