Monday, March 15, 2010

G4TV hands-on with SOCOM 4 & Move

Members of give their thoughts on SOCOM 4 with the Playstation Move. Hardcore fans take note, they mention how they would probably get their ass kicked if they were to use the Move online against players who use the dual-shock controller:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SOCOM fans worried? Don't be

With the announcement of 'Move' support and various other information gathered from the gameplay video at GDC, some SOCOM fans are worried about the direction that Zipper is taking with SOCOM 4.

But SOCOM fans, on the message boards Community Manager Jeremy Dunham gives you something to look forward to:

zpr_DunhamSmash posted:

And again, you guys haven't seen anything yet.

I'm promise you, we haven't forgotten about the core.

I'm actually excited that we're going to prove that to you in the next few months.


So if you've been down about SOCOM 4 expanding it's audience, don't worry, Zipper hasn't forgot about you yet.

SOCOM 4 stage-demo from GDC

You'll have to fast-forward a bit, it comes after the Motion Fighters game.

Update on Motion control support

Just over 10min ago Sony demoed SOCOM 4 on-stage at a GDC Press Conference with their new motion controller (called Playstation Move).

Surprisingly, I was impressed with the demo, both visually and also by what the motion controller seemed capable of. The controller seemed precise and also natural when exploring the environment. All the commands and options you have with a regular controller, you will be able to execute with the 'Move' controller. Also the reticule was not dead-set in the centre of the screen like it would normally be when using a normal controller. I imagine this is ONLY to make it easier to use the Move controller, and is not something you will experience when playing with a controller.

Visually I thought the game looked incredible. This could be the SOCOM fanboy in me talking, but I was really impressed with what was shown and I'm eager to watch the video again when it hits the internet. And I'll make sure to post it here when it does.

SOCOM 4 supports 'Playstation Move'. PS3's new motion controller

Yes folks, HUGE news, and something I thought about but didn't really think would happen. Sony's new motion controller will be supported in SOCOM 4. There was a quick clip shown in a montage (game looked really good), and I'm assuming there will be an on-stage demo shortly.

I'll update with more info when that happens, and hold off my impressions until then.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Giving a nod to the SOCOM fanbase with SOCOM 4

This is something that's been on my mind since the release of SOCOM 4, and the more I think about it the more I believe how important it will be to SOCOM fans, regardless of how much the game will otherwise change.

Here are simple, small, yet very effective ways that Zipper can really speak to the fans of SOCOM:

  • Include the original SOCOM 1 & SOCOM 2 theme on the soundtrack, somewhere in the game.
  • Bring back "SEALS vs Terrorists" online, no more of this "Mercenaries and Commandos" stuff. SEALS vs Terrorists is to SOCOM, as Red vs Blue is to Halo.
  • Text chat in pre/post-game lobbies
  • Character skins from singleplayer (SEALs & Terrorists), playable in multiplayer (courtesy GORILA618)

I've posed this question to the forums and will be adding to the list as more suggestions come in.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

"TheRealSOCOM" Podcast - Episode 5

Listen here (direct download) - 28:07
Subcribe here (RSS reader)
We are also on iTunes here

We're baaaaaack!

Today we discuss the surprise announcement, the trailer, the visuals, the news so far, 32 players, and tons more! Also, for the first time we take voicemails. Enjoy!

Also follow us on Twitter at

Send us your tweets and voicemails! All voicemails can be emailed to me at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

SOCOM 4 First Trailer!

We're finally on Twitter

I've had a personal Twitter account for over a year and a half, but I figured today was as good time as any to create one for the blog. So make sure to follow us at . Updates will be frequent and instant with the latest SOCOM news, speculation, posts, and podcasts.

SOCOM 4 Podcast coming soon

It's been a VERY long time coming, but me and Hellman are finally going to record another podcast, this time with our impressions/loves/hates on the SOCOM 4 announcement. We are still debating if we want to wait for the trailer or not...we may just do one before and after. I know there are people listening, so watch for it!

SOCOM 4 announced!

IGN Preview
Playstation Blog Details

Read up! I'll be coming at you with some of my own commentary and possibly a podcast? We'll see soon.