Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SOCOM Confrontation - Biggest online game on PS3 says Sony Producer

This doesn't really come as a surprise to me at all, given the dedication of the SOCOM fanbase.

What's the biggest online game on the PS3? No, it's not Killzone 2. No, it's not even Resistance 2. According to SCEA senior producer Mark Rogers, SOCOM Confrontation stands above both of Sony's high-profile first-party FPS offerings by having the most simultaneous online connections on the PlayStation Network. He attributes Confrontation's success to the community's commitment to the franchise. Whereas other gamers may play an online game for a few weeks and move on,SOCOM fans have proven to be far more dedicated (despite the game's ... troubled launch).

The devotion of the SOCOM community will be rewarded by an upcoming patch, Rogers promises. While the Slant Six team has been largely quiet about progress on the patch, he says the massive scale and scope of the patch has led to an extended testing cycle. With the promise of DLC in the future, it's clear that SOCOM addicts will find even more reason to avoid playing other games for a long time.

Source Joystiq

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rumor: SOCOM 4 in development, by Zipper? has posted the rumor that SOCOM 4 is in development, based off the fact that PCB Productions lists "SOCOM 4 - (motion capture direction) - PLAYSTATION 3 (in development)" on their page.

In addition to that, PS3center has speculated that Zipper Interactive are the ones in development of SOCOM 4 due to the fact that Slant Six is currently working on Fireteam Bravo 3 for PSP. I think that's a large jump to make considering that many studios work on more than 1 project at once (Zipper is currently working on MAG afterall), but at the same time it's an interesting assumption.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SOCOM: Confrontation DLC FINALLY announced.

Not exactly a earth shattering announcement, but hey, at least it's something.

SOCOM Confrontation DLC

Posted by Confrontation Online Team

Many of you have been eagerly awaiting information on the SOCOM: Confrontation DLC pack and today we’re happy to announce that DLC will be available to the community later this summer.We'll be unveiling a lot more information on the contents of the pack in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, here are the basic things you can expect to see in this huge update to SOCOM: Confrontation…

All new Area of Operation
New Features
New Game Mode
New Maps
New Characters
New Weapons & Attachments
New Music
New Voice-Over

We’ve got a lot in the pipeline for this so please stay tuned!

P.S. Here's a little glimpse of what is to come...

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