Monday, March 9, 2009

SOCOM patch 1.40 is up

Went up this morning, finally just finished downloading for me. Took about 6 hours...and downloads are never that slow for me on PSN. Must be a ton of people online right now, especially with the European launch this week. Anyways, below is a list of what the patch does, taken from

  • XMB presence - Medley Game information has been abbreviated, displaying all information required to identify the location of the player.
  • Late Join 'Hitch' improvements - addresses the pause experienced by players when someone late joins a game.
  • Navigating Screens With Large Clans – slow down issue fixed
  • Increased speed of fade at the beginning of the round.
  • Quick Match -
  • Increased countdown timer in Quick Match Pre Game lobby from 20 to 60 seconds.
  • Enabled Quick Match team switching.
  • Ranked, Unranked and Unranked Respawn games, each contains 6 different playlists: 3 8vs8 and 3 16vs16 players.
  • Claymores can now be detonated when player is in the prone position

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"The Real SOCOM" March 1st Bitecast

I promised you SOMETHING this week, and I held to that promise. Here is a short conversation me and Hellman had, mostly about SOCOM & KillZone 2. I'm hoping there will be more for us to discuss in the future when both of us have more time to devote to playing Confrontation along with the future potential of DLC.

Direct download: TRSMar1stBitecast.mp3
RSS here
We are also on iTunes here

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Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack