Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
7th map revealed!!!
Check out the IGN Q&A with all the details, here.
1.30 Beta patch out now!
I had some time to play this morning and it was definitely performing better.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
"The Real SOCOM" Podcast Episode 4
Great episode this week. Me and Hellman give our impressions on the public beta, what our thoughts are on other people's opinions, I read some comments off the blog, and we also have a map of the week. Enjoy!
Download here
RSS here
We are also on iTunes here
P.S. Don't forget to listen all the way to the end, where I express my love for one of gaming journalism's finest.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New podcast coming tonight/early morning
Me and Hellman are recording episode 4 in about 2 hours, and I will edit it and then post it up. We have lots to talk about, so it should be enjoyable for your ears and mind.
Ok, we recorded it last night (Thursday), but I have some prior obligations to attend to until noon. So I'll edit the podcast sometime this afternoon and put it up then.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Still waiting for your email? Hold tight...
Hi, Folks-
To those who did not get your Beta code email, I want to apologize. We have been looking into the problem all day to try to figure out what was going on. I won't go into the gory details, but we discovered that there was a technical problem that prevented some of the emails from going out. The people responsible are working on the problem now and have told me that they will reblast those emails by 5:00 PDT tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry, but it will take them that long to get it all sorted out, set up and arranged.
I am so sorry that you missed the first couple of days of Beta but technical issues sometimes happen. All we can do is try to correct the problem and that's what we are doing. If you were affected by this glitch, it should be resolved for you by tomorrow evening.
If you are getting your Beta download for subscribing to QORE, that will not be available until this Friday. We'll have more details on that soon.
Once again, I apologize for this problem.
So there ya go. They're coming soon!
Patch going out today
Really happy to see this, and honestly didn't expect it. Looks like they are already taking patching seriously and dealing with it much quickly then in the past. And the game isn't even out yet!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I'm saving all mine for the podcast :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Codes are on their way!
Anyways, enjoy! Might try and put another podcast together this weekend to share our thoughts on it (assuming we're allowed of course!).